Category Archives: Pest Control

Advice For Scorpion Control

Scorpion Identification & Prevention Guide

What are scorpions?

Scorpions belong to the class Arachnida, the same class as mites, spiders, and ticks. These nocturnal predators have four pairs of legs, a single pair of pincers, and long, segmented tails that curve over their bodies and end with a sharp stinger. Scorpions use their powerful pincers and stingers to capture prey, injecting a potent venom and paralyzing it. They have poor vision and rely on touch and vibrations to hunt. Female scorpions produce live young that they will carry on their back for up to 15 days.

Are scorpions dangerous?

Scorpion stings are excruciating and, like bee stings, can cause localized swelling and an intense burning sensation. The venom they produce is potent enough to trigger allergic reactions and sometimes even life-threatening anaphylaxis. In the United States, the bark scorpion has venom that is strong enough to be potentially fatal.

Why do I have a scorpion problem?

Scorpions are nocturnal and like to hide in dark, secluded spots during the day. Unfortunately, most residential properties have places they can hide such as trees, woodpiles, rocks, and logs. They are also great climbers and like to scale walls or any rough surface they come across. Properties with a lot of insect activity are desirable to scorpions. Like any pest, scorpions make themselves at home anywhere there is easy access to food and often find their way into homes, garages, and other structures while foraging for food.

Where will I find scorpions?

Outdoors, scorpions hide in dark, damp, and secluded areas where they will wait for their prey (insects, small rodents, spiders, and lizards) to come by so that they can subdue them. Scorpions that move inside chose to hide in places that mimic their outdoor environment; basements, bathrooms, closets, crawlspaces, and laundry rooms are their top choices.

How can I prevent scorpions in the future?

In addition to our professional services, the following prevention tips will help you to prevent problems with scorpions in your home or business:

Use dehumidifiers in the basement, ventilate crawlspaces, and fix leaky pipes to reduce moisture levels indoors.

Seal cracks in the foundation and exterior walls of your home or business.

Install door sweeps on exterior doors.

Wipe excess moisture our of sinks and bathtubs.

Create a barrier of crushed rock or stone between your property and any mulch, soil, or grass.

Remove piles of leaves, fallen trees or tree limbs, excess woodpiles, and other organic debris from your property where scorpions can hide.

Scorpions – a hard-to-kill stinger

Scorpions are nuisance pests known to sting as a defense mechanism or as a way to kill prey. A handful of species like the bark scorpion, which is found in your region, possess more dangerous venom, which can be fatal to humans.

Scorpions are becoming a prevalent pest, especially in the southwest United States, which appears to be the result of the increasing urban encroachment into the scorpions’ natural habitat. Scorpions are predatory and will enter homes in search of harborage and food such as crickets and roaches. There are over 70 species in the United States, but less than 10 species are considered urban pests.

Scorpions are related to spiders as they have just two body segments; an abdomen and a cephalothorax (combined head and thorax). The abdomen terminates in a tail containing a stinger, while the cephalothorax has two chelicerae to chew prey and two pedipalps (pincers) to grasp prey. Young scorpions begin life as first instar nymphs, which crawl to the mother’s back and remain there 7-30 days until the first molt.

The species of urban importance are the desert harry scorpion (Hadrurus arizonensis); Devil’s scorpions (Vejovis spp.); and the bark, common striped, and margarite scorpions (Centruroides sp ). Most stings from scorpions cause short-term pain, swelling or slight discoloration, but allergic reactions can be more severe. The most dangerous species in the United States is the bark scorpion, whose neurotoxic venom can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, numbness radiating from the point of envenomization, respiratory distress, dizziness, and death within two to 24 hours after the time of stinging. Morphine should not be administered, since it will synergize the effects of the venom. Antivenom is effective if administered within two hours after stinging.

The following five-step approach should be followed when addressing a scorpion problem.

Inspection // Check for harborages both indoors and outdoors. Scorpions will reside under debris such as wood piles and rocks during the day. Place sticky traps along walls inside suspected areas. Check under boxes, furniture and carpets, as well as attics, vents and light voids in ceilings. At night when scorpions are active, scorpions can be observed with an ultraviolet light as they will fluoresce.

Elimination of Harborage // Remove wood piles, landscape timbers, and rocks near the structure. Inside, where scorpions have been seen, move boxes and other objects that may serve as refuges off the ground.

Exclusion // Ensure that door thresholds are tight. Windows should have tight-fitting screens. If the weep screed is open, be sure that the screen is in good order. Frames, vents, utility pipe entrances, fascia boards should be sound and caulked, if necessary.

Food/Prey Reduction // Establish an 18-inch grass-free perimeter band around the structure. Use a perimeter pesticide application to eliminate insect prey.

Pesticide application // If scorpions are inside the structure, applications should be made behind appliances, along walls, in wall and ceiling voids housing lights and vents, attic areas, and crawl spaces.


Scorpions are often feared for their painful and poisonous stings. They’re typically not aggressive, but will attack if they are accidentally touched or feel threatened. Learn where scorpions live, how to help keep scorpions away, and get tips to help protect your family from these stinging creatures.

Scorpions are most active at night.

While many people think of scorpions as desert dwellers, these creatures are equipped with incredible survival skills that enable them to live in a variety of environments. In fact, scorpions are found on every continent in the world

Scorpions must have water to live, but can survive for months without food.

Similar to other arachnids like spiders, scorpions have two body regions and eight legs


Scorpions eat other small creatures, including spiders, crickets, centipedes, and caterpillar


Scorpions can be found under rocks, woodpiles, or other debris.

Indoors, they are often found hiding in dark, secluded areas


Scorpions enter your home looking for food, as well as a secluded or quiet place to hide and escape the heat

Help get rid of Scorpions – have dogs

First, I don’t want to sound mean to the other posters but I have a great deal of experience with scorpions… scorpions do not have eggs, they give live-birth to as many as 32 young and mom carries them on her back for a week or two afterwards till they are big enough to get along on their own

And they don’t come up drains or come in your house looking for food. They have plenty of food outside. They are coming in seeking comfortable temps and WATER. They are HIGHLY attracted to water which is why peaple often find them in their sinks

Filling your sinks at night will probably only attract more. Getting rid of them takes time, even with a professional exterminating service. They can live as long as seven years and are very hardy! Dusting your attic with diatomatious earth helps. Sealing all the cracks in your house, including those around light fixtures, light switches, baseboards, etc. also helps

use Cy-Kick, I only spray it on the outside of the house. In fact I dont use anything on the inside of my house. I have block perimeter walls so I spray all along the bottom block of the walls. I aim slightly up from the ground line so I also get 4 or 5 inches of the ground.

On the pillars I spray all the way up where the wall connects in and I spray the wall on both sides of the pillar up and out two blocks. For these walls I had noticed they were normally in those areas so that’s where I spray. On the house I do the same thing at the base and never go up more then a foot from the ground, then I go back and spray the eaves

Scorpion Identification & Prevention

What are scorpions?

Scorpions are a type of stinging pest. They use their stinger located at the end of their segmented, curved tail to inject venom into their prey. Scorpions are a type of arachnid and are related to spiders, ticks, and mites. These arachnids have four pairs of legs that end in claws and a pair of large pincers they use to hunt and hold onto their prey. Despite being excellent hunters, scorpions have poor vision. To hunt, they depend on their sense of touch and vibrations.

Are scorpions dangerous?

Scorpions are a pest you need to avoid and one that you should never handle. Some species of scorpions have venom that is life-threatening to people. However, most healthy adults will not have a life-threatening reaction to a scorpion sting. The venom that most scorpions deliver is as potent as bee or wasp venom, and in some – especially children – the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems, the venom could trigger a severe allergic reaction that requires immediate medical attention. When you first spot scorpions on your property, contact a professional to get rid of them safely.

Why do I have a scorpion problem?

Scorpions live together in groups and become a problem on any property that offers them plenty of food. Scorpions feed on a wide variety of creatures, including insects, spiders, mice, and small lizards. Once in your yard, they are likely to find their way into your home, usually while hunting. They move inside through spaces under doors, around windows, torn screens, or spaces in exterior walls.

Where will I find scorpions?

Scorpions are nocturnal and like to hide in dark, cool places during the day. Common hiding spots for scorpions include under rocks, logs, fallen trees, woodpiles, and mulch in gardens. Most scorpions are very good at climbing, and you’ll see them hanging out on trees or the exterior or interior walls of buildings. Those that have moved indoors usually choose damp, cool places to live like basements, crawlspaces, bathrooms, and laundry rooms.

How can I prevent scorpions in the future?

Prevent problems with scorpions the easy way by partnering with Pest Control! It is also important to implement the following prevention tips to avoid problems with scorpions:

Use caulk to repair openings in the foundation and exterior walls of your home.

Install door sweeps on exterior doors.

Repair any loose door or window screens.

Replace loose siding or shingles.

Install screens over any vents entering your house.

Seal up spaces around wires and other utilities entering your home.

Remove fallen trees, tree stumps, and debris from your yard.

Remove areas of standing water in or around your home.

Wipe down excess moisture from sinks or tubs.

Why You Should Hire Wasps Control Services

How NOT to remove a wasp nest

There are many sources online advising on the best DIY methods to remove a wasp nest. Wasps are aggressive creatures and require little to no aggravation to attack, so trying to remove a wasp nest yourself can cost you both financially and physically.

DIY wasp nest removal is Not advised!

1. Burning a wasp nest

Using fire to remove a wasp nest is a very dangerous task and is not a successful way to eradicate the wasps.

Wasp nests are made from a thin papery substance produced by chewing wood into a pulp, making it extremely flammable. Because of this, burning a wasp nest can often lead to not only your property catching fire, but also you suffering painful burns.

Another problem with burning a wasp nest is that it is not an effective way to control a wasp problem. This is because it doesn’t kill all the wasps. It can lead to the remaining wasps in the nest becoming violent, as well as the wasps out foraging for food, resulting in them attacking you and any bystanders.

2. Water

Using water is often regarded as another way to get rid of a wasp nest. The truth is that flooding a wasps nest isn’t an effective method at all. This is because:

Depending on the location of the nest, using water to remove a wasp nest can result in further damages to your property. For example, if the wasp nest is your attic, trying to remove a wasp nest by flooding it could cause water damage to your attic beams and ceiling plaster boards.

Trying to flood a nest won’t get rid of all the wasps inhabiting the hive either. Similar to the effects of trying to burn a wasp nest, the wasps will become vicious and begin to attack, leaving you with a handful of painful stings.

3. Destroying a wasp nest with a baseball bat

Destroying a wasp nest with a bat, racket or any other item is another talked about removal option. To be honest, this is the least intelligent idea for removing a wasp nest yourself.

Trying to remove a wasp nest by destroying it with a baseball bat will put you at direct risk of getting stung, not only once but multiple times. This can be particularly dangerous if you are allergic to wasp stings as you could go into anaphylactic shock.

This method of DIY wasp nest removal puts you in close proximity to the hive, which is often enough aggravate them to trigger an attack. Trying to remove a wasp nest using a baseball bat can often result in being stung before the task has started.

How to get rid of a wasp nest without getting stung

If you have professional experience with disposing of active wasp nests, you may use one or more of the following methods. If not, the Fantastic Services team recommends that you leave this job to the professionals.

  • With pesticide spray. You can purchase a wasp killing pesticide from your local supermarket. Follow the instructions on the can. The most common practice is to spray the pesticide in the opening of the nest for about 20 seconds. That is all. If the nest is active on the next day, repeat the process. Once all wasps are dead, you can knock down the nest.
  • With insecticidal dust. If you’re dealing with a ground nest, insecticidal dust can prove useful. Just apply the dust on the nest liberally and then, vacate the area. Give it up to two days to work. If the nest is still active, repeat the process.
  • With smoke. If you have a nest on a tree branch or somewhere away from your house, you can also try lighting a fire under it. The smoke will rise and suffocate the wasps, forcing them to leave it. Once they’re gone, you can knock down the nest.
  • By dunking the nest in water. This one is effective but dangerous, and it’s only useful for aerial nests. First, place a bucket of water under the wasp nest. Then, carefully put the entire nest into a cloth bag. Make sure the bag has no holes or tears. Then, tightly secure the top of the bag with a firm string. Now, you can safely cut the nest from the branch and then, dunk it in the bucket. Place something heavy on top of the bucket and leave it overnight. The wasps should be dead by morning.

How long do wasps live?

Wasps are one of the most common stinging insects that pop up around spring and the summer time each year. These pesky bugs can cause a lot of pain, both physically and mentally for homeowners. So, how long do wasps live?

The lifecycle of a wasp depends on the species, but in general a worker wasps life can last from 12-22 days, while a queen can live up to a year. There are many different types of wasps in North America, paper wasps and yellowjackets being the two most common.

Paper wasp lifecycle

When the queens are fertilized, they spend their winters in sheltered areas like underneath tree barks, or crevices found in homes or other buildings. The queen then selects their nesting area and builds it in the spring.

The eggs are laid down and then hatched into larvae. Paper wasp larvae will develop in stages before becoming an adult. Workers will help build the nest, feed the young, and protect the nest. When a paper wasp nest matures it can hold anywhere between 20-30 adults. The queen will stop laying eggs in the late summer and shortly after the colony will die off; which will make it around 3-4 months for workers and 10-12 months for queens.

Yellowjacket wasp lifecycle

Yellowjackets or Vespula vulgaris are also social insects, and are able to build their nests the size of a basketball. Yellowjackets share similar nesting habits to paper wasps, where the queen will find shelter in the winter and seek a nest in the spring.

However, because of the queen’s ability to store sperm, the queen is able to lay eggs throughout the summer, and will run out at the end of the season. Which makes the lifecycle of this type of queen wasp, anywhere from 10-12 months.

Wasps can die of loneliness

Wasps are very social creatures and will build many colonies based off how well they mate. Since the purpose of a wasps life is to mate and/or create offspring, unmated wasps will eventually die off. Any unmated wasp, male or female, will perish around late summer to early fall.

How to prevent a wasp nest

Being a wasp preventer is always a better choice than being a wasp killer, and there are a number of precautions you can take to stop wasps from building nests in your property:

  • Shut your bins: Leaving bins open will attract wasps that are looking for some easy food. To keep wasps out of your bins always make sure the lid is put on properly and keep your bins away from the building if possible.
  • Protect windows and doors: One of the easiest ways to prevent a wasp nest is to keep wasps out of your home. Keep your doors and windows shut where possible, or install fly screens to stop insects getting in while still keeping the property cool during hot weather.
  • Search for wasp nests: When it comes to springtime, it is worthwhile checking any spots that are likely to house a wasp nest. If you check for these during the spring, then the wasp nest will be small, and wasp nest removal will be simple. At this time of year, they will be around the size of a golf ball.

Does the old queen die off?

A queen wasp survives for one year only. She is hatched in the autumn along with around 1500 of her sisters then once mated she hibernates through the winter months then emerges in the spring ready to build a brand new nest. Only a small proportion of hibernating queens survive winter.

Once she has started the nest and hatched a few worker wasps, she spends the rest of her life in the nest as an egg-laying machine. In late summer/early autumn as the nest comes to the end of its natural life, the queen lays special eggs which once again are new queens for the next year.

Do wasps return to the same site?

Wasps do not generally return to the same place year after year. However, some roofs are favoured for their position and habitat. Some people say to us “we get a wasp nest every year”. If you appear to get a wasp nest every year, take a look at your roof, is it exposed to the sun all day? Wasps love warm locations.

Does your roof have plenty of gaps for wasps to gain entry?

Is there plenty of old wood available near your home (fence panels, garden sheds) for the wasps to use as a nest-building material? Food supply and local water supply will also be a factor.

Using Chemicals For Outdoor Pest Control


At some point in their lives, homeowners have to deal with pest infestation, and most of them will surely say that getting rid of pests is not an easy thing. When trying to do so, you have to use different pest control products, which could be expensive if you sum them all up. But still, you won’t have the assurance that pests like rodents, termites, cockroaches, and ants will not come back anymore.


Hiring pest control services is a great idea, but the thing is, how can you choose the best pest control company? Sure, you will find many of them out there offering their services, but not all of these companies are competent. If you want to make sure that the amount of money that you are going to spend on such services will be worth it, you should hire pest control experts that really know what they need to do to eliminate the pests in your home totally


First of all, you should check out the pest control methods that the company is using. Do they use toxins to get rid of the pests, or do they utilize eco-friendly pest control methods? It is highly recommended that you hire the services of a group that uses low-toxicity methods because this gives you the assurance that the procedures that they will be doing are safe for you and your family.

Experience and skills

To ensure that the pest problem in your home will be resolved, it is important that you look for highly-skilled and experienced exterminators. Check and see if the people who are going to render their services in your home have undergone training. It is crucial that they have the proper license too.


Some homeowners try to eliminate the pests on their own because they think that they will be able to save some money in their back pockets. But, like what was mentioned earlier, dealing with pest infestation on your own won’t be a good idea.

Choosing a Pest Control Company

We’ve all heard the horror stories from a friend or neighbor who had a bad experience with a service.  It doesn’t really matter what the service was. It could have been a mechanic, a dry cleaner, or mower.  We all know someone, or have experienced for ourselves, lousy service. Choosing a pest control company is no different.  There are good ones and bad ones.

As Pest Management Professionals (or exterminators in older terminology), we often hear these stories of pain from new clients. The previous service provider over-promised and under-delivered. The technician tracked dirt in the home.  Sometimes they neglected to treat part of the property. Or perhaps their demeanor was less than professional.

“Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of common-sense practices. IPM programs use current, comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment. This information, in combination with available pest control methods, is used to manage pest damage by the most economical means, and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment.

The IPM approach can be applied to both agricultural and non-agricultural settings, such as the home, garden, and workplace. IPM takes advantage of all appropriate pest management options including, but not limited to, the judicious use of pesticides.”

What does that mean for you? It means that the Pest Management Professional (PMP) you choose to work with should use this approach. In practice, this can look a few different ways. For example, in residential settings, we rarely treat for flies of any kind. We understand that flies have a particular source, and once that breeding site has been eliminated, they’ll go away. Because of this, we counsel potential clients to control the problem themselves without the use of chemicals

A Guide To Choosing A Good Pest Control Service Provider

Being the owner of a commercial structure requires you to carry out many tasks. One of your tasks is to ensure that the quality of the building is maintained. If there are any damaged areas of items they should be repaired or replaced with new ones for safety reasons. You also have to make sure that the commercial establishment is free of pests since the pests might affect both humans and the durability of the building. If you want to get rid of the pest problem permanently in the commercial building hiring pest control service providers is the right course of action. If you are looking for reputable pest control services this article is meant for you as it has guidelines on how to choose one.

Start with finding out the experience of the experts you intend to hire. If you want to have quality results choose a company with enough experience in the field. Experience is a must to consider when choosing the services since the wrong professional will make the pest infestation worse. For that reason you should only hire professionals with lost of experience in the field and proof to back up the experience. Go to the website of different pest control services and there you will know whether they have the expertise for the job. A trusted pest control company will list all their services on their website with testimonies from the former to back up the claim.

Consider the equipment used by the experts. The market today has an assortment of pest control equipment that can be used by the experts to eliminate pests in a building. In addition, you need to know the chemicals used to eliminate pests in your office or home. Some professionals use organic pest chemicals for the safety of the people inside the establishment. Organic chemicals are the best for the job as they do not affect the health of people living in the Establishment. Know if the experts are available when need. Some pest control firms only provide their services during the week which can tamper with the operations of the business.

That is why you need to book the services of the Macon termites experts early in advance to avoid any inconveniences last minute. The prices of their services are something you should ask during the initial meeting with the provider. Fortunately, some pest control firms offer discounted prices for military people and senior-citizens. The discounts make the services cheaper and affordable.

The tips shared above are effective in choosing a good pest control service provider to work in your commercial or residential building. Since there are lots of options to pick from, it is a good idea to work with people with sufficient experience, the right equipment, and tools, available when needed and offers affordable prices for their work.


Pest management is not an amateur’s job. It requires strategy and control of pests that are interfering with your day-to-day lives. It is a carefully designed process that involves not just the eradication of pests from your property but to also discourage them from coming back again

Due to increase in vermin, there has also been a surge in pest control providers. It goes without saying that one must choose the professional with great care and only after thorough research. Here are some important tips to choose the right professionals for doing the job.

The Company Should Be Licensed & Registered

The one thing we often neglect in our search for qualified professionals is their license to do the job. A license is a permit that is issued by Environment Protection Agency certifying that the specialist has the training to perform the task of pest eradication. If the company you are planning to work with does not have the necessary registration and certification, then you should keep looking until you find the one that does.

The Company Should Have the Experience

We may think that the experience is overrated in this job but it is not. Removing pests from an area requires specialized methods and training. Sometimes these methods involve toxic products that must be handled carefully. A professional that does not have the experience may not carry out the task effectively. In this case, you are either vulnerable to the risk of being exposed to synthetic chemicals or your property is not fully exterminated of its intruders. Either way, it will not do you any good. This is why it is advisable to only hire an expert that has the experience to perform pest control.

Check out the Company Website

A company’s website should not only have all the information you need but also signs of authenticity, such as registered trademarks and monograms. They should also have an online customer care department that can answer your queries effectively. The website should also provide useful content related to pest control and management.

How To Choose A Good Pest Control Company

When you’re choosing a pest control company, there are six important factors you need to consider – especially if you have children, pets, or other vulnerable people in your house. You want the service to be affordable, but more importantly, you want it to be effective and safe.

Are they knowledgeable about the type of pest you have?

Different types of infestations require different solutions. If you want your pest problem to be removed quickly and thoroughly, you need to choose someone who’s successfully dealt with this species before, or who was at least trained by someone who has.

Are the solutions they use safe for children, pets, and people with medical problems?

Some pest control options can be dangerous to children, people with medical conditions or pets who could fall victim to traps or poisons meant for other animals. Because of this, it’s vital to choose pest control professionals who are conscientious about the health and safety of their more vulnerable clients.

What do their past clients say about them?

Do they have testimonials on their website or directory profiles? Have any of their past clients given them permission to let you call them so they can tell you about the service they received?

Do they try to convince you that you need them for EVERYTHING?

Some infestations require trained professionals to get rid of them, especially if the pests are numerous, dangerous, resilient, or in a hard-to-reach place. But some minor pest control problems can be handled with do-it-yourself methods, and an ethical professional will make you aware of this before charging you for their services.

Types Of Bedbug Exterminator

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Pest Exterminator

Pest infestation is one of the worst problems that you can face in your home. It is quite hard to get rid of these irritating pests. More often than not, you will have to call a specialist to get rid of them. When it comes to selecting pest exterminators, you should be careful to ensure that you get the Top Pest Control & Bed Bug Exterminators in the Phoenix Metro Area. Failure to do so could result in you losing more than just your money. Most of these pests are disease carriers, and for that reason, they could result in your family getting sick if the job is not done very well.

Research the company

Before making all that important decision, it is important to carry out your research on the company. Check out the reviews on their websites and other independent ranking websites. Customer feedback is very important so that you understand what kind of work to expect from them. Many negative reviews may indicate a shoddy job. You may also ask your friends about the company in the event they ever hired them.

Money back guarantee

Some exterminators will offer you money back guarantee if they are unable to get rid of the pests completely. If you can get such, they are the best to hire. This is because you are guaranteed that they will not leave until the job is completely done. This is usually the best team to hire especially when dealing with the stubborn pest like the bedbugs

Ensure that they are insured

Before hiring a pest exterminator, ensure that they are insured. Insurance means that you will be covered if something goes wrong. Some companies are not covered which means that you will have to bear the cost or engage in lengthy nasty lawsuits if something goes wrong. An insured exterminator is an added assurance that they will do a good job or at least you will not suffer any loss.

Approved by the right authorities

For a company to qualify as a pest exterminator, they will have to be cleared by the environmental county boards. It is critical to ensure that they present the license for operation. The reason behind this is that there are those companies that may be using banned chemicals that may not only be harmful to the environment but also to you and your whole family and pests.

Here are 5 reasons it is best to contact a professional pest exterminator when dealing with pesky fleas:

Fleas are very invasive pests that can quickly become a full infestation. Fleas are a dark reddish brown color, with a flat shape they are very small. They are found throughout the United States. Fleas typically live for about 100 days. During this time they produce around 500 eggs. This is why one flea can quickly become a few hundred fleas. Flea infestations are extremely difficult to deal with by yourself. Do-It-Yourself treatments can become very costly and time consuming. Fleas get into your home by traveling on animal hosts. This could be your dog or cat. Once you have spotted a flea in your home it is best to talk with a professional pest exterminator about how to eliminate this problem.

Effective: A professional pest exterminator will be highly trained to deal with fleas. They will be able to properly identify the infestation and eliminate it for good. DIY flea removal products may not be able to eliminate the entire infestation. Leaving you with a whole new infestation in a month.

Safe: Professional pest exterminators know the proper products to use to safely eliminate fleas. They will use product that are safe for you, your family and pets. DIY products can be dangerous to your family’s health if used improperly.

Cost: Professional pest exterminators will be cost effective to eliminating your flea infestation quickly and effectively. DIY products can start to add up and become very expensive. They also do not guarantee that the entire problem will be eliminated in the end.

Pet Treatments: treating your pets with liquid or pill flea prevention treatments is costly. This is the first step to helping stop fleas from hitchhiking into your home. It is not 100% effective and it is very costly. You have to apply monthly treatments that can range from $20-$100 a month.

Outdoor: Even if you treat your entire house and all of the pets you own. There is no treatment for the fleas outside your home. A professional pest exterminator can help you find the infestation and eliminate it indoors or outdoors.

What Does a Mouse Exterminator Do?

  • Mouse Control Specialists (some don’t like to be called exterminators) are experts on the habits, senses and social behaviors of mice. This is what you really need to know so you can effectively protect your home.
  • They have been trained in the control and management techniques of the most effective mouse-proofing methods, traps, glue boards, sanitation, and rodenticides.
  • Exterminators will always conduct a thorough inspection of your home to determine both the extent of the mouse invasion and where the mice are getting in.
  • The best ones know how to seal all the little cracks, holes and crevices so the mice do not get back inside.

How Do Exterminators Get Rid of Mice?

Well, there are a couple of things you should know.

  • Mouse Control Specialists (which is what they prefer to be called) have a vast knowledge of the senses, habits, and behavior of mice. Keep this in mind when calling an exterminator and explaining your problem.
  • The training that they go through helps them learn various techniques of catching mice such as glue boards, traps, sanitation, etc.
  • Be prepared to have your house explored by the exterminator. This is standard practice as they need all the info they can get and inspecting your home can help them out immensely.
  • The best exterminators are those that know how to prevent future outbreaks from happening.


Mice are annoying little creatures because they chew up your belongings yet they remain hidden from sight. You may never actually see a mouse when you have an infestation because they are stealthy and only come out at night. They leave behind signs of their presence though, so when you spot any of the indications of mice in your house listed below, it’s time to call your pest control company for help.

A Strong Odor In The House

When you share a home with mice, it won’t be long until you realize they’re around because you’ll smell them. You may pick up on an ammonia odor that’s left behind in their urine. You might also notice the musky body odor they leave behind when they rub on the floors to leave a scent trail behind. Plus, mice leave droppings everywhere they go. The combination of waste and body odor creates a distinctive smell that alerts you to rodents in the house.

Mouse Droppings In The Kitchen

Mice carry diseases, so the last place you want them is in your kitchen. However, your kitchen is like a food paradise to mice, so that is their favorite place to visit. When you have mice, you’ll find their droppings on your counters, kitchen floor, and even inside your cupboards.

The mice may not actually live in your kitchen since it is often a busy room most of the day, but at night, when it is quiet in the house, mice will come out and eat crumbs and food sitting on the counter. They may even rip into boxes and sacks of food or lick the food off dirty dishes left sitting out. When you see mouse droppings or signs of gnawing on your food, it is time to take action to eliminate the pests.

Abandoned Nests

Mice are busy little nest builders. They shred paper and fabric to create comfy nests for sleeping and for raising their young. If you find a nest, it might still have mice in it or it could be abandoned if the mouse decided to move to a quieter part of the house.

How To Deter Scorpions Naturally


While some scorpions are merely a nuisance, others, like the Arizona Bark Scorpion can deliver a truly nasty and dangerous sting. You can cut your risk of encountering any scorpions by taking some wise preventative measures to protect your home and family. From clearing away scorpion friendly debris to using a blacklight to spot these pests at night, these tips will help you create a scorpion free environment for your family.


Scorpions like the dark, so the debris and decorative items you have in your yard could be attracting the pests to your home. Eliminate any easy scorpion abodes, including piles of leaves, rocks or wood, old flowerpots and furniture and even decorative pieces that offer too many shady crevices to hide in to cut your risk of encountering a scorpion.


Check your home for loose shutters, windows or siding that could offer a place for scorpions to enter. If your doors and windows allow a draft or breeze to enter your home, then they are big enough to admit a scorpion as well, so seal any drafty spots right away. Trim trees to eliminate the risk of scorpions entering your home from the roof or second floor


Scorpions are nocturnal creatures that are active after dark; if you will be outdoors after nightfall, a black light flashlight can help you spot a scorpion before you step on it. Check paths and walkways before stepping down to be sure you stay sting free.


Hire an exterminator to treat your home for related pests; ants, roaches and grasshoppers are all prey animals for scorpions. If you have a lot of these insects in your home or yard, chances are you’ll have a lot of scorpions preying on them as well.


It’s important to keep family members and pets safe from scorpions in Georgia. If you think you have a scorpion problem in and around your home, contact Healthy Home Termite and Pest Control for affordable scorpion extermination services. Read below for more information on identifying scorpions in your home and finding the right solution for extermination.

How to Identify a Scorpion

Scorpions are predatory arachnids that are known for their unique appearance. With their large, curved tail and accompanying stinger, they are easily recognizable.

It is also worth mentioning that if other small insects like fleas have increased in number in your home, the likelihood of scorpions will increase. Scorpions feed on smaller insects, so an abundance of smaller insects is bound to attract scorpions. Reducing the number of other insects in your home is key to making it less desirable to scorpions. Ask your Healthy Home Termite and Pest Control expert about best practices and tips to make your home less desirable to scorpions.

Scorpion Removal

Scorpions can be extremely difficult to get rid of since their hiding places in homes can be hard to reach. Our trained technicians are well-versed in how to identify a scorpion problem and will provide you with a thorough and affordable examination of your home.

Should there be an issue, you will be given several options on how to remove scorpions, including natural and ecologically-friendly methods. Healthy Home Termite and Pest Control will work with you to choose a plan that best fits your lifestyle and budget.

Scorpion control

In some ways scorpions are similar to spiders. They have a reputation for being deadly and for attacking humans, but that’s not the case. Most scorpions prefer to hide, and are generally quite shy. They tend to sting when threatened, but they don’t go human-hunting and their stings are very rarely deadly to people.

That’s not to say that scorpion stings are not painful. They are and people with sensitive immune systems, known allergies to other stinging pests, or heart problems can have serious health risks with scorpion stings. That’s why effective scorpion pest control and scorpion removal should be handled by trained professionals.

People are generally terrified of scorpions. Thanks to their rather intimidating appearance and the fact movies and TV shows make them out to be fearsome pests, scorpions have a very fierce reputation. People are very afraid of scorpion stings, perhaps even more than bee stings or wasp stings. However, a lot of what people fear regarding scorpions is irrational. Scorpions are not actively seeking to sting people and the vast majority of them do not pose a threat to humans. However, Arizona and North America just happen to home to one of the more venomous scorpions around – the Arizona bark scorpion.

Why do scorpions sting?

Scorpions do not want to sting people. They are looking to sting prey, but even then, they may not deliver venom via their stinger. Scorpions only have a finite amount of venom within their system and they choose to prefer to use it for specific purposes. If their prey is small enough, they can use their claws to grab it and tear it apart to eat it. However, to paralyze larger prey, they will lunge their tail forward and sting their prey to immobilize it and then eat it.

Preventing scorpion stings

The best bet to deal with scorpion stings is not to get stung at all. Scorpions want to avoid people as much as possible, but sometimes they end up inside homes and crawling along walls outside homes, too. Making sure the house is sealed up and there is no way for scorpions to crawl inside is the best way to avoid being stung in your home. Checking clothing and shoes before putting them on in scorpion heavy areas is important, too.

Guaranteed Pest Control

Looking for pest control Phoenix? Then you are probably familiar with unwanted desert pests like black widow spiders and scorpions. Unfortunately, due to our high temperatures and despite our dry climate, many people deal with bugs and other insects year around. Getting rid of scorpions and other insects inside and around your home doesn’t have to be complicated. If you are getting your home serviced regularly by a quality exterminator you can expect to see a dramatic decrease in scorpions and other insects inside and around your home.

Pest Control Done Right

There are other pests here in the Phoenix valley that are not only annoying, but carry disease as well as really tear up your home or business. Mosquitoes and termites are the pests that actually cause the most harm to your health and home. Stop the pests before they start with a pest maintenance control plan. 

You may think pest control is just setting out some mouse traps or spraying the home and be done with it. However, pests are smart and they multiply rapidly. If you have seen one scorpion, you probably have a a lot more around your home. Our technicians are trained in the behaviors of these pests. We studied how they live, what they like and don’t like and most importantly how to properly exterminate them. As a result, our techs are trained professionals that take time to solve the root of you pest problem.

Not all pest control companies are the same. As a result, their service, pricing and value vary greatly. Here are a few recommendations when deciding who to go with.

Don’t shop solely based on price. Everyone wants a good deal. But what if you still have scorpions in the house? Or your dog gets sick because the technician does not use a Eco-Friendly product? Then it probably wasn’t worth going cheapest pest control company.

Choose a company that stands by their work. If you are not satisfied with a service you should be able to get the issue resolved without paying twice. Make sure satisfaction is guaranteed!

Education over making a sale. If they are more interested in making a sale than educating you about your pest problem they might not have your best interests in mind.

Pest Control Services (The Takeaway) 

In short, finding the right exterminator for your pest control shouldn’t be difficult. However, you want to make sure to do your research. Be sure to ask questions and look at their online reputation. Any legit company will be online.  There will be reviews about their business in different areas. Those will help you determine if the pest control company your interested in does what they say they will do. Above all, you want a company that has great reviews and a great reputation.


Life in Arizona has many positives; however, dealing with scorpions on a regular basis is definitely not one of them. There are many creepy crawly insects in Arizona; yet, out of them all, scorpions rank among the least favorite.


Scorpions are a prominent species. They thrive in dry desert climates. The bark scorpion in particular, also one of the most dangerous species of scorpions, is the kind we see most often in Arizona. It is the most venomous scorpion in North America, and unfortunately enough, we have them right here in our backyards.

Arizona Bark Scorpions are incredibly resilient, making them more difficult to control. They are nocturnal, and come out at night to hunt for crickets, beetles, roaches and other small insects. This means the more pests you have in and around your home, the better food source you are providing to the lurking scorpions.

While they do thrive in the desert, they do not however, enjoy the strong desert heat. During the day, you will find them under rocks, piles of debris or wood, and other objects you have around your home. They keep themselves well protected from the hot Arizona sun. Their protective measures include squeezing into tiny cracks and crevices that might be accessible to your home.


The largest threat that scorpions pose is their painful sting. The Arizona Bark Scorpion being the most venomous in North America, can cause more than just pain. A scorpion sting can cause inflammation at the sting point, redness, numbness, shortness of breath, even immobility of the stung area.

Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Naturally For A Pest Free Home

How To Choose A Pest Control Company

According to Andy Architect of the National Pest Management Association, there are more that 19,000 pest management firms operating in the United States. Unfortunately, these companies are not all created equally.

Here are some steps from entomologist, Jeff White, to narrow your options and find the best:

Use web and telephone directories to locate several pest management firms in your area. Some may designate themselves as bed bug specialists, but this designation should only be an indicator and not a deciding factor.

Only utilize companies that have been registered to apply pesticides by the pesticide regulatory agency in your state. Lacking this license should serve as an immediate red flag.

Search for companies that use integrated pest management (IPM) services. IPM is a form of pest management designed to minimize the use of pesticides. Companies that utilize an IPM approach are more likely to provide ongoing monitoring and a multidisciplinary approach to bed bug management (more on this later).


Once you hire a pest management firm they may be entering your home and spraying pesticides or performing services that can cost hundreds of dollars. Interviewing the selected companies is not only your right, it is strongly advised.

Some key associations to look for include:

The National Pest Management Association (NPMA), state pest management associations, QualityPro, the Better Business Bureau (BBB), and bedbugFREE. Companies may also be members of equivalent associations.

Membership with the bedbugFREE national network is a particularly important affiliation to consider when bed bug treatments are desired. This membership indicates that companies are not only members of NPMA and/or QualityPro, but have also had their bed bug treatment protocols evaluated to ensure they share multidisciplinary treatment methods and philosophies similar to Bed Bug Central’s protocol.

Ask companies about their integrated pest management (IPM) approach to bed bug treatments. A good company should utilize some, if not all, of these procedures:

Use of a multidisciplinary approach beyond pesticides such as: vacuuming, cleaning, steaming, using mattress encasements instead of treating beds with pesticides, heat or Cryonite treatments, and/or fumigation.

Insist on inspecting before quoting a final price.

Price jobs according to findings and not just a flat fee.

Educate you on bed bugs, the company’s inspection findings, what they will be doing, and prevention.

Provide a written inspection report and a strategy for services rendered.

Provide a thorough follow up program that is not based upon a minimum number of visits but rather is based upon the current status of the bed bug activity. Follow ups should continue until control or elimination is achieved.

Inquire if children or pets are present and adjust their treatment protocol and use of pesticides accordingly.

Have a well-defined methodology for determining when an infestation has been eliminated.

Work with property managers to notify adjacent apartments about the problem and recommend including surrounding units for inspections and treatments.

How To Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs infestation can spread easily and it’s very difficult to treat especially when a Cimex Lectularius infestation increases in epidemic proportions, as they thrive in any weather and environment. The key to eradicating bed bugs is early detection and quick treatment by an expert pest controller.

Identify Your Pest

Bed bugs hiding in the tiniest creak and crevice makes it a challenge to spot these flat and brown crawling bloodsuckers. Sometimes, bed bugs have been mistaken as cockroach nymphs or even beetles.

Choose Your Method

DIY or Professional?

When it comes to getting rid of bed bugs, you have two basic options: DIY or hire a professional. The DIY option typically prove to be ineffective and risk re-infestations. This is because bed bugs shelter in the narrowest of gaps such as seams of mattresses, bedframes or behind furniture. Most of the time, many of them faced hassles and stresses dealing with an infestation

Take Action

Contact Rentokil today to get rid of your bed bugs problem and eliminate any stress or pest concerns you have in your home or business. Benefit from a range of services and complete protection offered by a leading pest control company. Join thousands of satisfied customers throughout Indonesia.


Bed bugs are real, and they are not just for hotels or public quarters like hospitals, dorms, and nursing homes. They can and do infest houses anywhere. They do not discriminate. The presence of bed bugs does not indicate anything related to a home’s cleanliness. If you think that you may have these unwanted bedroom visitors than there is no time like the present to contact a professional pest control service. There are many pest control services out there to choose from. Now you have to figure out just how to choose the right one, and just like most things that we pay for, it doesn’t hinge solely on price

There are two major area’s to look at when considering a professional exterminator or pest control service. The first area is whether they are licensed appropriately with your state and what is their membership status on national, state and local pest control associations. Membership to these associations requires an evaluation of the company’s practices both in the field, ethically and their total overall business practice

The second thing to consider, once you have found some pest control companies that pass the test with the first area, is the scope and price of their services offered. A company that is offering a complete approach to bed bug control would offer such things as:

A multi-faceted approach to treating the infestation along with the use of pesticides (vacuuming, cleaning, steaming, using mattress encasements etc.).

An actual visit and inspection of the property before giving you a price, which means there is no ‘flat fee’ to rid you of your infestation.

Provide a written report of the inspection that includes a detailed description of the recommended services and the strategy to eradicate the infestation that doesn’t have a ‘minimum’ number of visits, but is based on the actual status of your property’s bed bug status.

Present a thorough program that includes not only the initial treatment(s) to get the bugs out, but will also include follow up visits to ensure that the treatment was successful.

In this, the age of information, no one should be going into any relationship with any professional service blind and uneducated. Bed bugs are nothing to mess with. Put your worries and concerns to bed by contacting a company that meets or exceeds this list of criteria.

Tips to Prevent or Control Bed Bugs

Make sure you really have bed bugs, not fleas, ticks or other insects.

You can compare your insect to the pictures on our Identifying bed bugs Web page or show it to your local extension agent

Don’t panic!

It can be difficult to eliminate bed bugs, but it’s not impossible. Don’t throw out all of your things because most of them can be treated and saved. Throwing stuff out is expensive, may spread the bed bugs to other people’s homes and could cause more stress.

Think through your treatment options — Don’’t immediately reach for the spray can.

Be comprehensive in your approach. Try other things first. Integrated pest management (IPM) techniques may reduce the number of bed bugs and limit your contact with pesticides. If pesticides are needed, always follow label directions or hire a professional

Reduce the number of hiding places — Clean up the clutter.

A cluttered home provides more places for bed bugs to hide and makes locating and treating them harder. If bed bugs are in your mattress, using special bed bug covers (encasements) on your mattress and box springs makes it harder for bed bugs to get to you while you sleep. Leave the encasements on for a year. Be sure to buy a product that has been tested for bed bugs and is strong enough to last for the full year without tearing.

Regularly wash and heat-dry your bed sheets, blankets, bedspreads and any clothing that touches the floor.

This reduces the number of bed bugs. Bed bugs and their eggs can hide in laundry containers/hampers Remember to clean them when you do the laundry.

Hiring a Pest Management Professional for Bed Bugs

Treating bed bugs is complex and many people hire professionals to lead the effort. Because professionals can be expensive, it’s important to research your options to find the best fit for you. We cannot recommend specific pest management companies or individuals, but we can provide you with information to help you find the best services for your needs.

Anyone you hire should use IPM, which will include monitoring for any bugs that have been missed during treatment. Because this is your home, you want to help too

To maximize your chances for success when working with a professional:

Get a pest management professional (PMP) involved as soon as possible. Taking time to try to treat the problem yourself could help the infestation to spread.

Prepare for multiple visits, as very few infestations are controlled with only one treatment.

Hire a PMP experienced in treating bed bug infestations. Check the company’s credentials.

Follow guidelines on how to prepare for control, which will include laundering and cleaning.

Expect the PMP to inspect your residence, take apart furniture if necessary and use vacuums, heat and pesticides to treat the infestation.

Read EPA’s Citizen’s Guide to Pest Control and Pesticide Safety, which offers more tips on how to choose a pest control company.

All About Termite Prevention And Control

All You Need to Know About Termite Treatment Costs

Factors That Determine the Cost

There are a number of factors that play a vital role in affecting the overall cost of this procedure. Understanding these factors can help gain a better understanding of the approximate expense.

Size of Your Home

When it comes to the size of your home, the bigger the house, the higher the termite treatment cost. Why? Bigger homes are likely to suffer extensive damage compared to smaller homes. This is because before the infestation is found in a bigger home, it will have spread to several parts of your home. Also, it will require experts more time to inspect your big home compared to a small home. This does not mean you cannot save your home. To save your home, take steps to get rid of the infestation.

The Foundation’s Layout:

Your homes foundation plays a major role in determining the cost of a treatment. It is important for experts to consider the layout before delivering treatments. Monolithic slabs and a few other types of foundation require customised treatment procedures. Professionals also need to consider if there is space in your foundation to occupy a basement or any other space that can cause termites to have infested and destroyed the same.

Techniques Used

Termite control experts use many techniques to get rid of the infestation in your home.

Some of the methods used include:

  • Liquid chemical barrier
  • Non-repellent liquid treatment
  • Termite bait systems

Analysing the Approximate Cost:

Here is how you can consider an approximate cost for your expenses:

  • Measurement:

Measure your property and its external perimeter. This should be only up to 150mm from the wall. You will also need to count how many posts are attached to your property’s structure or building.

  • Chemical Choices:

Chemicals you can choose from are:

  • Termidor – Induces poison to kill termites by transferring the poison to the colony. 8 years of life recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Altriset – A safe and non-repellent chemical. 5 years of life recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Biflex – Poisonous repellent used to create a treated zone. This keeps termites away from your home.10 years of life recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Estimator:

Use the measurement and chosen chemical to judge the expenses based on an approximate cost of a termite treatment.

  • Reducing the Expense of a Termite Treatment:

Treating an infestation can be a costly affair impacted by the many factors stated above. No home owner wants to deal with extra expenses that cut a hole through their pockets.

The best way to ensure you aren’t paying for expensive treatments from time to time is to ensure that the curing of the infestation if based on the perimeter and not just the interior parts of your home.

You can also choose to consult more than one Pest Control Company to ensure you are getting the best price for your money’s worth. While trying to cut cost do not hire a cheap and ineffective pest control company to avoid having to deal with infestation again.

Good pest control companies provide you with estimates to know the cost before hiring them for their services. Avoid an infestation as much as possible to cut down on treatment expenses.

House of two floors in the forest among group of long pine trunks and other green trees


In general, termites create colonies around food sources. Because termites eat soft or rotting wood, they seek moist spaces. Homes, and the surrounding property, can accidentally create prime environments for termite colonies. These situations encourage termites to move from their natural habitats into developed areas. The following scenarios are most likely to attract termites to your home.


Firewood and woodpiles can attract termites, drawing them closer to your home. Then, termites will migrate from the piles of wood to the housing structure, causing great damage inside. To avoid an invasion, stack wood 20 feet away from your home and keep it at least 5 inches off the ground.


As they rot, dead trees and stumps attract termites. Termites will migrate from this excess foliage to your home. To prevent this, clear stumps and dead trees from your yard.


Tree limbs and leaves that touch the roof attract termites to your home. These branches give termites a pathway from the ground to your house. Regular tree trimming can dissuade termites from migrating to your roof.


Similar to tree limbs, mulch can draw termites closer to your home. The wood chips retain moisture, providing an attractive food source. Lower the likelihood of termites by keeping mulch at least 15 inches from your foundation.


As leaves and twigs build up in your gutters, the excess moisture softens or rots your roof. These soft spots allow termites to penetrate your home. Clean gutters lower the opportunities for termites to invade by preventing a soft or rotting roof.


The type of termite you are dealing with will also affect how long treatments last. Two types of termites are typically seen, subterranean termites and drywood termites. Subterranean termites are termites that live in the soil around the home. They create a network of tunnels to access their food source (your house). Drywood termites burrow into the wood and live and eat off it. They create a series of tunnels within the wood of your home and eat their way through.  The termite treatment you receive and how long that treatment will last depends on your infestation. We can help you identify the type of termite correctly and the most effective treatment.

Is Termite Protection Worth It?

Knowing the potential costs of termite damage and repair is reason enough to invest in termite protection. What options do homeowners have when a homeowner’s policy doesn’t cover termite damage? A termite bond or termite warranty is your best bet. A termite bond is a warranty between a homeowner and a termite company that functions as a maintenance contract for termite prevention, damage, and repair. Termite warranties vary by company, but they generally include an agreement for annual (or more often) termite inspections during the lifetime of the warranty, an agreement to provide treatment if termites are discovered (often at no additional charge to the homeowner), and in some cases an agreement to repair damages. Not all homes, however, qualify for these repair bonds so always check with your termite control provider about this.

A termite warranty provides you with peace of mind against termite damage. The warranty guarantees that the pest control company will continuously inspect your home and make sure that new infestations are discovered before they can proliferate. Termite warranties are also beneficial when buying or selling a home as they are often required before a sale can occur. Lenders will often not approve mortgages for at-risk homes without a termite bond. Only certified pest control companies can issue termite warranties. Yearly costs typically run $300-$400 for the warranty coverage, which includes the annual termite inspection.

How To Get Rid Of Possums In The Garden

Choosing the Best Possum Trap


If possums decide to make a home out of your attic they can cause large amounts of damage by using insulation for nesting and leaving fecal matter behind. The only way to keep possums from causing damage to your home is by taking preventative steps

Choosing the Best Possum Trap

When possums become a problem on your property, it is time to consider an opossum trap. This device can help prevent possums from causing issues in your garden or digging into your trash.

The key is to find the possum trap that will work best for your needs and property. We worked hard to make this process simple for you. Here are four of the best possum traps.

Our Review

The Professional Humane Live Animal Trap is a relatively big wire mesh trap that prevents possums from escaping once they are inside in the trap. You can put this outside in all weather conditions since the material resists rust.

The possum cannot cause damage to the trigger rod due to its location on the outside of the trap. Stay safe when you release the possums you catch elsewhere due to the positioning of the handles. The bait hook is capable of holding all bait types you use for possums. You can attach the bait within seconds, making setting up this trap easy.


The basic condition to trapping a possum successfully is choosing the right bait. Placing a proper bait in your trap makes all the difference between successfully trapping a possum and failing in your efforts. If you choose the right type of bait, the possum will take it relatively quickly. However, if you choose the bait that is not appealing enough to the possum, chances are that it’s not going to take it, and that all your efforts went to waist. But, how will you choose the right bait for your trap? How will you know the right type of food to use to lure the possum into the trap?

Possums are natural omnivores, which mean that they eat a wide variety of foods. They will hunt different mammals and snails during the winter, spring and summer, which mean that this is the time when they will be looking for meat. During the summer and fall, possums will have an appetite for fruit. However, possums will also eat fish and shellfish. They will eat grains, like peas and beans as well. There is pretty much little food left that a possum will not eat. But, what are the best foods to use for your trap? People who are experienced with hunting and trapping possums say that they need the type of bait that has a strong smell. This means that the food your will set as bait needs to dominate all other smells in the area. These experts recommend baits like fish and apples. You can opt in to use fish during the winter and spring moths, when possums prefer to eat meat, and apples during the summer and fall, when they crave fruit.

Make sure to smear the bait across the inner end of the trap, so that the opossum needs to enter the trap all the way to reach it, before the door closes. If the door starts closing before the animal has entered the trap all the way, it will be able to get out. In the end, whichever bait your choose to set in order to trap the possum, make sure that it smells strongly. You should be able to smell the bait when your stand next to the trap.


Possums are a suborder of 70 tree-living marsupial species native to Australia and the Indonesian islands of New Guinea and Sulawesi. While their names are similar and both are marsupials, possums and opossums are different creatures. Opossum typically refers to the Virginia opossum and its cousins in the genus Didelphis, all of which live in North and South America.

Kinds of possums

Brushtail possums are the most widespread marsupial in Australia and perhaps the most well-known possums. As their name suggests, brushtails have long, thick tails with a prehensile tip and a furless patch on the underside, both of which help them hang onto tree branches.

Unlike many other possum species, these solitary, nocturnal creatures are highly adapted to living near humans, even in urban areas such as Sydney. And like koalas, they have evolved the ability to feed on plants that would be poisonous for other animals. Possums may also prey on insects, small invertebrates, and eggs.

Mating and reproduction

Mating systems among the Phalangeriformes vary widely. For instance, the rock-haunting possums from tropical Australia appear to choose just one mate, which scientists call monogamy. Some gliders take multiple mates, which is called polygamy, while others are monogamous, and still more are variants in between. One study found that mountain brushtail possums will change their mating system depending on how much food is available.

Conservation status

While some species, like the common brushtail possum, are doing well, many possum species are in danger of extinction. Thanks to fires, logging, and climate change, the fairy possum, or Leadbeater’s possum, is considered critically endangered. Likewise, the mahogany glider is listed as endangered due to the rapid rate at which its habitat is being cleared for agriculture, livestock, and timber. Many of the same threats imperil the critically endangered western ringtail possum.

The Truth About Opossums

Virginia Opossums Get a Bad Rap

People often blame them for things they didn’t do such as tipping garbage cans or killing chickens. A lot of the time the only major complaint people have about them is simply that they are there.

Opossums Are Gentle Wild Neighbors

Opossums are peaceful animals that prefer not to fight although they may hiss, growl, and even bite if cornered. It is much more likely that the opossum will faint or “play dead” at the prospect of a confrontation.

This physiological response is involuntary and automatic. The stress and shock of the encounter actually triggers a comatose state that can last anywhere from 40 minutes to four hours. The opossum’s body becomes limp, its front feet form tight balls, its lips are drawn back, and drool runs from its mouth. The animal can be poked, turned over, and even carried away without reaction.

Opossums Help Keep Our Backyards and Homes Clean and Free of Pests

People tend to think Opossums are unclean and disease ridden but it is actually just the opposite. Opossums are extremely clean. They are opportunistic scavengers who happily clean up after themselves and everyone else

Opossums Are Important Allies In the Fight Against Lyme.

Like most small and medium sized mammals, Opossums are hosts to ticks. What makes Opossums special is that they are extremely good at finding and killing most ticks that hop on looking for a blood meal. According to Rick Ostfeld, author of a book on Lyme disease and senior scientist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, opossums kill more than 95% of the ticks that try to feed on them and can kill about 5000 ticks in one season!

Trapping Opossums

Opossum Control

Denying their access to structures by exclusion techniques is the most effective method of controlling opossums.

How To Trap Opossum

The traps should be set in locations the animal frequents or where it is causing damage. Fish, canned cat or dog food are good opossum baits. To readily entice the opossum into the trap, use a small trail of bait leading to the trap. All traps should be checked in the morning and evening, so that captured animals may be dealt with in a humane manner.


Opossums have a repulsive, musk-like odor and can be an occasional nuisance when they enter crawl spaces, under decks, garages, and similar areas. They nurse in the mother’s pouch for about 3 months.The average number of young is 6, but as many as 13 may be born

Opposums and Rabies

Opossums are very resistant to rabies and have far fewer cases of rabies than any other common wild animal in United States.

Important Exception with Horses: Opossums have been found to be a primary carrier of a deadly disease in horses known as : Protozoal Myeloencephalitis. Steps should be taken to keep opossums away from horses, horse feed, and stables.